Moshe Klempner
Senior Investment Manager
Moshe has over 20 years of investment experience with emphasis in equity research and investment management.
During the years 2001-2008, Moshe has managed over US$1 Billion in equity and bond mutual funds at Leumi Pia and Meitav Investments.
His funds have been highly ranked by Maalot, the mutual fund rating agency. Prior to Leumi Pia, Moshe was an equity analyst and private client account manager at Analyst IMS.
Prior to moving to Israel, Moshe was an equity analyst at Fidelity Investments.
Moshe holds a Bachelors in Finance, Summa Cum Laude from City University of NY and a Msc. in Accounting and Finance from the London School of Economics. Moshe is licensed by the Israel Securities Authority as an Investment Manager and as Pension Adviser.